School News

As I rail about a lack of communication from one side of our local government, I should praise someone who manages to get the word out in a clear and effective manner.

Mark Hershner, the principal at Hanover Middle School, has a blog with pretty-much daily updates on what’s happening in the school. This includes the video announcements (created by students) which the students see each day.

So if you have one of those middle schoolers who tells you that nothing is new and nothing is going on, but you don’t quite believe it, make sure to sign up to get updates from Mark. He has a handy signup form that will shoot you an e-mail when he posts an update. We have, on more than one occasion, been able to know about an event that may have slipped the mind of a certain student.

Stuff like this is why I get so frustrated with the lack of communication from the borough. Instead of saying, “you should know all the information without us telling you any of it,” the school district says, “we have some news we think might make your life a little easier and help you make more informed decisions.”

Imagine that concept from public officials.

Author: Brian

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